Teletherapy In The Age Of COVID-19


In the age of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are all suddenly looking for new ways to carry on with our daily lives without leaving the house. While teletherapy isn’t new, it is serving as a replacement for traditional in-person therapy while we are all sheltering-in-place. The truth is, we don’t know how long the quarantine is going to last and these drastic lifestyle changes have been stressful and overwhelming. Today I’m going to go into more detail about teletherapy in hopes that it will reach those of you who are stuck at home and struggling to cope with this new way of life. What would you like to know about teletherapy? Click here to submit more questions.

  • What is Teletherapy?

    Teletherapy is a form of psychotherapy that’s delivered remotely. You meet your therapist “face to face” using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Some therapists also offer phone sessions.

  • How do I know if Teletherapy is right for me?

    Right now, teletherapy is the best way to get the support you need while stuck at home during the quarantine. Teletherapy is generally most appropriate for those who either: cannot access quality clinicians in their location, have busy lifestyles despite being located in a city, and those who need flexibility for other reasons. There are times when teletherapy is not the best option.

  • How is my privacy protected?

    There are a number of secure online platforms that exist for the purpose of protecting patient-therapist privacy while providing quality care. Like many online therapists, I operate my entire practice using HIPAA-compliant systems to ensure privacy when I communicate with clients by phone, fax, text, email, and most importantly, video sessions. These platforms were built specifically to enable providers to deliver encrypted therapy services to clients. Ask your therapist about the platforms that they are using to learn more specifically how your privacy is being protected.

  • Do I need special equipment?

    You likely already have all of the equipment you need. This includes: a stable internet connection, a private space where you can speak freely, a device with a front-facing camera, and a pair of headphones.

  • I’m interested in reaching out about Teletherapy but I am feeling nervous…

    Feeling nervous is completely normal when looking for a therapist. When clients first start therapy, they sometimes feel vulnerable as they’re preparing to open up to someone they may have never spoken with before. Most therapists offer free consultations over the phone to help new clients get a better sense of who we are and become more familiar with the process. A free consultation is not a commitment to move forward with therapy, so it is a good opportunity to get your feet wet and see which therapist is a good fit for you.

  • Is Teletherapy as effective as traditional, in-person therapy?

    Yes. According to the American Psychiatric Association, teletherapy provides quality that would be equivalent to in-person care in diagnostic accuracy, treatment effectiveness, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. 

  • Does my insurance cover Teletherapy?

    Prior to COVID-19, many insurance plans were already covering mental health teletherapy services, but many were resistant to follow suit. In response to the pandemic, teletherapy has become more normalized and widely accepted in all areas of medicine, including mental health care. Now, a majority of insurance companies are expanding coverage to include psychotherapy delivered remotely. Since it provides broader access to care and is often a better option for clients in rural communities and those with disabilities, I hope that teletherapy will remain widely covered by insurance plans even after the quarantine is over. Please contact your insurance company directly to find out more about your benefits and coverage for teletherapy and other mental health services.

Struggling to cope with the ‘new normal’?

Marti Weiler